At Pine Creek Structures you can find a home for more than just your lawn mower and tools. Our Chicken Condos and King Coops are great homes for your flock. Each coop style is available in two sizes. Wondering how many chickens can live inside comfortably? Let’s take a look…
It is commonly recommended that each bird should each have 3-4 square feet inside a chicken coop.
Our large chicken condo is 6 feet by 8 feet. This means that that inside is 48 square feet. However, our unique design DOUBLES this space by utilizing the area underneath the coop. The area underneath is secured with wire to allow your flock addition space that is safe from predators. This gives an additional 48 square feet of space, bringing the total space offered in our large chicken condo to 96 square feet! We recommend our large chicken condo to house up to 25 chickens.
Our mini chicken condo is 4 feet by 6 feet. That gives your flock of chickens 24 square feet inside and 24 square feet underneath, providing a total space of 48 square feet! We recommend our large chicken condo to house up to 15 chickens.
Our King Coop comes in two sizes: 6 or 8 feet by 12 feet. That gives your flock of chickens 72-96 square feet! We recommend our kings coops to house flocks of roughly 25 chickens.
You want enough room for all your chickens, however you don’t want your coop to be too big either. A ‘bigger is better’ attitude isn’t necessarily true when it comes to a chicken coop. In colder months, your chickens use their body heat to stay warm. Coops that are too big will force your flock have to work harder to stay warm, unless you add heating to your coop.
In the end, choose the coop that works best for you and your flock. If our standard layouts are not your ideal vision, talk to your local store manager about custom designing a coop to your specifications.
Are you in need of a backyard chicken coop?
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