A play set for your children right in your own backyard has many benefits for you as a parent... There's no need to pack up and travel to the park. It's an easy activity for play dates. It's an easy boredom buster so you can get tasks done while your kids are occupied. But there's many reasons your children will benefit from a backyard play set!
1. Your children will get a real workout while swinging, climbing, running around, and just playing! Many kids often do not get enough exercise daily. The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd edition recommend that children and adolescents ages 6 to 17 years do 60 minutes or more of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity daily.1
2. They can improve their social skills with play dates! Children who create and play together face-to-face often get along better with others.
3. Physical activity helps children's mental and emotional health! Time outside can lower a child's risk of hyperactivity and depression. Outside play also expands a child's creative thinking by stimulating their imagination.
4. Swinging and other playground activities boost balance and coordination! Balance, stability, and coordination are important parts of your child's motor skills development. Swinging, sliding, and climbing can help develop these skills and are a fun way to do so, especially for a child that needs an extra push to practice.
5. Heavy-Duty play decks mean the whole family can enjoy quality time together! Your children can enjoy spending time together with older siblings, parents, and grandparents. Durable structural parts and sturdy construction create stable play sets that won’t tip in high winds or as children swing. Two ground anchors are included with each swing beam.
Pine Creek Structures offers a variety play sets models to fit your budget, backyard, and family. Each play set is completely customizable. See all your options at https://www.pinecreekstructures.com/play-sets
Ready to get your own backyard play set?
See all our play set models or design your own!
1 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd edition